Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Noni - The SUPER Fruit and It's Benefits

Our bodies go through changes throughout our lives due to stress, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and then illness. It would be nice to have help as we grow old. Noni may change your life for the better.

Noni is the Hawaiian name for Morinda Citrifolia but it is also called Cheese Fruit, Indian Mulberry, Nono or Nonu, Ba Ji Tian and Nhau in various cultures throughout the world.

it's a small evergreen tree or shrub that grows mostly in the South Pacific Islands anywhere from Hawaii to Tahiti. The islanders have been eating the fruit during famines and as a staple food for thousand of years. Or they drank the juice. It helped them with many ailments. Hawaiians have used the leaves and fruit of the noni tree to heal deep cuts, sores and wounds.

It is high in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, several vitamins such as C and A, beta carotene, niacin, iron, riboflavin, and thiamine. It has potassium, protein compounds, and amino acids, It also contains an ingredient called Xeronine which benefits the body tremendously. Xeronine helps with proper cell function by enabling nutrients to enter the cells more easily which means you get more benefits from it.

There have been studies performed to check out this wonderful fruit to see what it's capable of. Some of the many benefits are relieving cancer symptoms, fever, helps with weight loss, heart problems (increases blood flow to your heart), digestive problems, diarrhea, constipation, depression, arthritis, bronchial illnesses, helps with diabetes, fights infections, and relieves pain.

It also gives you energy. Chinese healers have for centuries been using the roots of the Morinda Citrifolia plant to make a energy boosting tonic.

It helps improves your skin. The islanders have been using it for centuries and they're in the bright sun all day. Have you ever seen their skin how smooth and healthy it looks? It has a glow about it.

It also strengthens your immune system. You especially need a strong immune system today to fight off this flu and protect yourself from colds and viruses.

Since the nineties, noni has increased in popularity and has become one of the fastest growing supplements in the world. The industry is really paying attention to this wonderful and powerful fruit.

It has a strong smell and bitter taste so you better take it in supplemental form. Try some and see what it can do for you.

Noni and Morinda Citrifolia health benefits may improve your lifestyle and youthfulness

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