Sunday, October 24, 2010

Himalayan Goji - A Miraculous Wonder Goji Berry?

What is the fuss about Goji? Why do people all over the world suddenly talks about Goji? Why do Hollywood celebrities like Ben Kingsley, Anthony Michael Hall, Madonna, Paula Abdul, Mischa Barton and Elizabeth Hurley and athletes like Mike De-Laval (Weight Lifter Champion), Jon Mark Owings (Professional Baseball Players), David Rodriguez (Boxing Champ) and Heidi Koster (Ms. Fitness Australia) to name a few, raved on Goji Benefits?

In 2005, the Los Angeles Times raved about "Tibetan and Chinese legends tell of people who live century-long lives while retaining the strength and beauty of youth - thanks to Lycium (goji)."

Woman's weekly - "Chinese miracle berries that keep woman young!"

The Today Show - "Goji ... Packed with antioxidants."

In 2006 Time magazine - "This years' breakout (super fruit) was the Himalayan goji berry, said to be a source of energy and longevity."

New Woman Magazine - "The latest super fruit to take Hollywood by storm is the Himalayan Goji berry."

BBC News Magazine - "Celebrities have been singing the praises of Goji."

In 2007 the news breaking was even better as the highest-rated talk show in television history - The Oprah Winfrey Show - make an unsolicited, unpaid endorsement by a leading Medical Doctor - Dr. Mehmet Oz, (author of the bestselling "YOU: The Owners Manual", and Vice Chairman of Surgery at Columbia University) - which carries considerable weight. Nobody is going to risk his/her credibility on National TV by endorsing something he/she doesn't believe in. He recommended Goji to Chicago Bulls leading scorer Ben Gordon to maintain high energy levels and not to crash after working out. Dr. Oz said: "Goji - a bright colored fruits - grow in the Himalayas are the most potent antioxidant fruit that we ever know."

So what is Goji berry? Are they a miracle "super fruit," or just another product of hype machine? Let's study it more carefully.

Delicate red Goji berry (Lycium Barbarum), in mandarin Gou qi Zi (pronounced goo-chee), known also as wolfberry, grown in the Himalayan valleys, Mongolia and Tibet, are a hot commodity in the increasingly food supplement industry. For centuries, in Traditional Chinese Medicine Goji berry is used as a medicinal herb to help fighting various diseases such as liver, boost immune system, anti-aging, aphrodisiac, maintain normal blood pressure, blood sugar as well as cholesterol level and improve eyesight and digestion. Goji berry ares also used in various Asian soups and dishes as a garnish.

Goji berry is the most incredibly nutritious dense food ever found and provide major life sustaining minerals and nutrients that your body needs. It contains High Levels of Bioactive Polysaccharides - LBP (Lycium Barbarum Polyssacharide) and full spectrum of nutrients: 19 amino acids, 11 essential minerals including calcium, iron (more iron than found in spinach), pottassium and zinc, 22 trace minerals: selenium and germanium, more vitamin C than found in orange, vitamin E (rarely found in fruit), vitamin B-Complex, essential fatty acids, more beta carotense than found in carrots, zeaxanthin (eye protection), flavonoids and polyphenols, beta sistosterol, cyperone, solavetivone, physalin, betaine, superoxide dismutase(SOD).

The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale is a test developed by the USDA ( United State Department of Agriculture) researchers of Tuft University - Boston to measure the antioxidant levels in food.

The ORAC is a score measurement of the ability of foods, blood plasma and any other substance to subdue oxygen free radicals in the test tube to determine how well a certain food helps your body to fight various life threatening diseases such as cancer and heart diseases. Research studies at Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tuft University discovered that consuming vegetables and fruits with a high ORAC value may help slow the aging process. Goji berry are rated the highest ORAC values (in units per 100 grams) compare to other, i.e. containing high level of antioxidants:

Goji Berry - 25,300
Pomegranate - 10,450
Prunes - 5,770
Noni - 5,380
Raisins - 2,830
Blueberries - 2,750
Mangosteen - 2,240
Strawberries - 1,540
Spinach - 1,260
Brussels sprouts - 980
Broccoli - 890
Plums - 949
Oranges - 750
Cherry - 670

The Bovis Energy Scale - was developed by a French Antoinne Bovis in the 1930's- used to measure the "life energy" present in water, plants, rock formations, humans, etc. Human body shows a score Bovis scale reading of 6,500 (anything below 6,500 is life-depleting and anything above is life enhancing). The Bovis scale of:

noni at 17,000
mangosteen at 53,000
Goji berry at 355,000 - an amazing 20 times higher than the rating of noni!

So now you know what the raved is about... Although for centuries Goji berry are used in traditional Herb Chinese medicine, in soups and Chinese food as garnish, many especially Westener have neither even heard of goji berry nor knowing that it is available in juice form. You should consider Himalayan goji juice as part of your daily supplement as it is currently amongst the best supplement product you can find in the market today.

Irwan Lee is the owner of Powerhealths.

Click here for further information resources on the miraculous health benefits of Goji Juice and its business opportunity.

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